Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cancer Sucks!

There really is no other way to put it. It is a devastating disease that has brought much pain and misery to so many people. Yesterday we lost a neighbor to liver cancer. She tried to fight it. She fought so hard to be a survivor. I know she is in a better place and her suffering is over now. Her family and friends are now struggling to move on. My heart goes out to them as they mourn their loss. They are all in my thoughts and prayers. She was always so friendly. She always greeted you with a smile no matter what was going on with her. I saw her one day when I was out and she asked me about my little one's first birthday. I was completely stunned that she would remember that when some of my own family had forgotten. She was a strong and remarkable person that will be missed tremendously. She is an angel now watching over her family.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fisher Price Infant Toy Review

Thanks to the great people at MomSelect I have the opportunity to review two wonderful Fisher Price infant products. The first is the Laugh & Learn™ Fun With Friends™ Musical Table. The second is the Laugh & Learn™ Smart Bounce & Spin Pony™. When these toys arrived both of my girls were so excited. Both products were super easy to put together. I sat on the floor while both of my girls watched impatiently.

The Laugh & Learn™ Fun With Friends™ Musical Table was the first one ready. As soon as I snapped it all together my girls took it from me and played TOGETHER for such a long time. They had so much fun with it. My oldest is 3 and was actually taking an interest in it as well. I thought for sure she would be too old for it but she played with her younger sister like a champ. She was extremely interested in the Spanish setting and the ABCs and Counting. She kept relating it to what she was learning in preschool. She also liked helping her sister figure stuff out. There is definitely fun and learning. There is music, colors, counting, letters, english and spanish. It comes with a little telephone and pretend laptop. My little one is 18 months and loves the telephone. She keeps pretending to talk to everyone. There are songs they could sing along to and lights and music to dazzle them. It is so much fun to watch them play and I laugh at all the funny things they come up with. Both girls were fascinated with the music and singing along with the songs.

The Laugh & Learn™ Smart Bounce & Spin Pony™ is really quite awesome. My little one hopped on and immediately started bouncing away. She started spinning the little play wheel on the handle over and over. The music played and she giggled the whole time. All of this was before I had even gotten the chance to hook it up to the TV for the games. This toy comes with a box that hooks up to your TV. It includes interactive games for your kids to play. There are multiple levels depending on the age of your child. Both of my girls had a lot of fun with this. There is counting, ABCs, shapes, colors and so much more to entertain them while helping them learn. I was able to set this up and while the kids played and learned cool stuff I got some work done around the house. My 18 month old loved all the bouncing. She kept repeating everything she heard and she was calling out all the animals she saw.

If you are interested in any of these items you have an opportunity to download and print an in-store coupon that entitles you to $20 off a $100 purchase of Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn™ and/or Go Baby Go!™ Infant Toys. To download the coupon just head over to Fisher Price Coupon and register there. It is easy and simple. This offer will be ending soon so hurry so you do not miss out!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Seriously! Brownies rule the world. Have you ever met a brownie that you did not like. I have not. When you crave chocolate, brownies are always there to do the trick. They never let you down. They never disappoint. Sometimes they do leave you wanting more but most times they leave you completely satisfied. Right now as I write this I can smell them baking. I sit anticipating their yummy goodness. I cannot wait to get my hands on one and sink my teeth into all that chocolate. They are certain to be worth every minute I have to sit here smelling them and waiting for the timer to put me out of my misery.

Best Mood Ever

Yesterday I got some really great news and ever since I have been on cloud 9. I am not ready to share it yet but I will soon enough. I have not been this happy in a long time now and it feels really great. It is one of those things that makes you aware that things are changing for the best. I now feel that 2010 is going to be my year and things are only looking up.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I have to face it, I do not have any. In my opinion it is my worst trait and I try really hard to improve on it. No matter how hard I try though I still feel like it is an uphill climb. My husband is awesome because he recognizes potential situations and we work together to avoid them. My kids on the other hand just learn from my behavior. I see it in them and I wonder if they inherited it or learned it. It is a constant struggle each day to be more patient with them. If they inherited it from me I cannot really control that. The part I want to control is learned behavior. I do not want my kids to grow up the same as I did. I did not have a bad childhood and my mom was a good mom. She just has some quirks that I feel I learned from her and I want to break that cycle. I want my kids to have a better childhood than I did. Like I said, not because mine was bad but because there is always room for improvement.

Today is the day I really recognized it in my oldest. Today is the day I take change a step further, buckle down and work even harder than ever. I have to. My kids deserve the very best I can give them. Their daddy is so patient and compassionate. If they got those traits from him I do not want to break that. I do not want them to learn how to be any other way.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I have really had a couple of crappy days recently. I have been feeling down and not able to shake the feeling. This morning I woke up to my oldest sweetly running her fingers on my face in order to gently wake me up. How could that not make for a great start to any day? My heart melted. I may not always feel like the best mom in the world but today I do. I like to think that somehow she learned how to be so sweet by knowing and feeling how much I truly love her. It was the perfect beginning to a not so perfect day.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bad Day

I am not sure exactly what is the cause for it but today I seem to be in a funk. My mood is really just blah and every little thing is getting on my nerves. It is like the smallest thing in my mind is completely blown out of proportion. I cannot blame it on the weather because today it was sunny and in the 70s. Absolutely perfect. Tomorrow on the other hand it is supposed to be cold and raining. I just hope whatever has me down goes away when I wake up in the morning and does not carry over to tomorrow.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Potty Potty Potty!

When Vic was about a year and a half I decided to start trying to potty train her. I was not successful for a while after that. She just was not ready. Izzy just turned a year and a half and I am tempted to start training her. The difference is Izzy is acting like she is ready right now. She is obsessed with the potty. She sees all of us go and wants to go too. The part that gets me thinking is when out of the blue she will say she has to go potty and heads for the bathroom. I had such a hard time with Vic and I just do not want to make that mistake again. I tried to rush her and she was not ready. This time though I feel the little one is the one insisting. I am not sure if I should wait a bit longer or give it a try and see.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Zing Zang Zoom!

I have never been to a circus before and I have always wanted to go. I wish I had the opportunity to go when I was a child but my parents never took us. Last night my husband and I took the family to the newest Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Show- Zing Zang Zoom. We received some tickets for opening night from MomCentral. We left there amazed and fully entertained.

My daughter was so excited to go and had been looking forward to it all week. We got her a little set of binoculars and she was all set. There was no shortage of "wow" factor during the show. The magic tricks and illusions left you feeling stunned. One show character was suspended in a cage above the arena and turned into a tiger. At the beginning of the show an elephant disappeared right before our eyes. The high wire acrobats left you sitting there with your mouth open holding your breath while you watched in amazement. The trapeze artists left you completely awestruck. At one point they shot two women out of cannons across the arena. This was amazing because I honestly thought they would not really do it. When the cannons fired and the women flew through the air my husband and I looked at each other stunned.

The people that perform these acts are so talented and brave. It was truly a great show and an excellent family night out. If you live in the Denver area check it out. Do not forget to use the "MOM" MC promotion code for a great discount. Please see my previous post for all the details surrounding that promotion.
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