Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Too much junk mail?

All the time we hear about going "Green". There are so many things we can do now to help protect our environment. I am not a super environmentalist but I really try to do my part as best I can.

A long time ago a friend of mine told me about http://www.greendimes.com/. I signed up for this service and it was awesome! When I signed up there was a simple monthly fee. They have since changed the service and have several options available including a FREE option. The Basic (free) option allows you to do a lot of the work yourself with some help from them. The Premium option is for those that want to save time. They do most of the work for you. The best bonuses I found with the Premium service is that you can add other household members and they plant 5 trees on your behalf.
I had to sign up again once I changed my address but I love this site. I used to get literally a ton of junk mail every day. Once I signed up for this there were days when I would not get any mail at all. I recommend definitely recommend it to everyone.

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